5 Steps to the Feasibility Study Suite
Without a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of your real estate property and its surroundings, you won't even know where to begin effectively developing your real estate property. When obtaining the most information possible you'll be able to take the next steps to develop a project with its optimal potential.
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Aim Market Study
Lacking a clear vision of your development won't allow you to accurately underwrite your project. Utilizing a schematic design provides you with the visual representation necessary that defines the bulk and size of your project, so you can produce a concise and precise financial plan for your development.
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Without a financial plan, your project isn't likely to secure essential financing. With a real estate pro forma, you'll gain a comprehensive under-standing of the economic structure of your project, allowing you to articulate every detail, and attract the investors you need to make your project a success.
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Having no investment deck, you risk deterring potential investors and lenders from financing your project. A solid well-thought-out investment deck instills confidence in you and your partners, provides a thorough insight into your project, and increases the chances of attracting the capital you need.
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Aim Market Study
Know Your Market
So Your Product Sells
Without understanding the market you’re building for, you risk struggling to sell in an oversaturated market. Having full insight into the marketplace allows you to develop a desirable product that caters to the needs of your target audience, resulting in a product that sells best.

The Risks You Take Without a Market Study
Are you certain you're building what sells best? Most developers don't know how an oversupplied product in the marketplace can negatively impact their plans. Here are some examples:
Building an oversupplied product without a strong demand.
Wasting years developing a product that doesn’t sell well.
Spending millions of dollars on a product that doesn’t yield what you expected.
Not being able to convince lenders and investors of your vision.
Losing confidence in your ability to see the project through to exit.
Pricing your product too high and not attracting buyers.
Failing to pay back lenders and investors because of poor sales.
Developing the Best Product
will Deliver the Best Results
The chances of developing a successful real estate project are slim without a clear understanding of the market. You can gain valuable insights into the local real estate market by conducting a detailed market study. To ensure that your real estate project caters to the needs of potential buyers or tenants, it's crucial to have a deep understanding of the market supply and demand. A market study helps you identify existing gaps and opportunities so that you can make informed decisions about the type of property to develop. With this approach, you can create a property that stands out from the competition and appeals to potential buyers or tenants. You might even stumble upon a new market that you haven't considered building for before. Don't overlook the importance of conducting a comprehensive market study to increase your chances of success and maximize returns. It will enable you to strategically decide and capitalize on opportunities that others may miss.
Aim Market Study Report
Comparable Rents Report
A Comparable Rents Report provides valuable insights into the current rental market, including which types of units are in high demand and renting quickly and which are sitting on the market for too long. With this information, you can make informed decisions on which products to develop and focus on, giving you the best chance of success. Don't let your competitors get ahead of you. Click on Comparable Rents Report to see a sample.

Comparable Sales Report
A Comparable Sales Report provides invaluable information on which types of units are selling best and which are stagnating on the market, giving you insight into the absorption rate. With this data, you can decide what product type to build and how to price it competitively. Don't make decisions blindly - this report can help you make strategic choices to increase your chances of success. Click on the samples here.
Whether you are considering Residential*, Office*, Retail*, Land, Parking, Industrial, Manufacturing, Warehouse, or others, comparable reports will allow you to decide what to develop.
Get the Aim Market Study
Without understanding the market you’re building for, you risk struggling to sell in an oversaturated market. Having full insight into the marketplace allows you to develop a desirable product that caters to the needs of your target audience, resulting in a product that sells best.
Leverage Our Experience & Avoid the Mistakes
At BLDGUP, we understand the frustration of investing years of time and resources into a project only to discover that it's not the best fit for the market. Poor sales numbers indicate that product hasn't been designed or priced right to fit the market. We've seen this happen repeatedly in our investigations of failed projects and our own blunders. We understand that poor sales numbers can feel like a huge setback and take a toll on your business. Likewise, it's disheartening to put your heart and soul into something only to have it not perform as expected. But that is how we'v'e learned from our mistakes. Over the years, we've developed and perfected a comprehensive market study process that identifies what's missing in the marketplace before investing millions of dollars and precious time into a project. Now, we're excited to share our system with the real estate development community. You don't have to go through the 25 painstaking years of lessons learned and millions of dollars we burned through to gain the knowledge we have. Instead, our system can help you build the best real estate product that sells. By identifying the gaps in the marketplace and building what's needed, you can ensure that your work is effective and doesn't go in vain. So don't go in blindly when developing your property. With BLDGUP's Market Study Report, you'll gain the insight you need to make the best decisions to build the most valuable product in the marketplace. Join the others who have already benefited from our expertise and experience and take the first step toward successful real estate development.

Developing Properties From:
Vacant Warehouses
Underutilized Properties
Vacant Office Parks
Industrial Properties
Medical Facilities
Underperforming Rentals
Houses of Worship
Financially Distressed
Urban Infill
Environmental Issues
& Others

Avoid Wasting Time & Money.
Know Your Market, So Your Product Sells.
If you're developing a real estate project, you take similar steps as any other developer would. Before you even break ground on a project, you must do your due diligence and assess the project's viability. First, you're conducting a site analysis to understand the characteristics of your subject lot. Then, once you have a general understanding of the property, you need a market study to learn what sells best in the market before starting a schematic design, running a pro forma, and producing an investment deck. Naturally, building what everyone else is building might seem like a safe choice. However, your investment could be at risk if the market is oversaturated with similar properties. To maximize your profits, you need to identify the gaps in the market and build something unique that meets those needs. It's basic economics: the more supply there is with less demand, the lower the price. But conversely, a scarce product in high demand will command a higher price. Like a farmer, you wouldn't want to be stuck with an oversupply of apples nobody wants, right? So, you sell them at half price. Or, better yet, don't grow as many. Instead, grow something that no one is growing in the area. To determine what the market needs, you should conduct a comprehensive market study. This will give you insights into what's currently on the market, what's been selling or renting quickly, and what's been sitting around for too long. Then, armed with this information, you can pinpoint exactly what you should develop to meet the market's demands. Without this knowledge, you risk building something that's oversaturated, forcing you to sell at a discount and cut your profits. So, don't waste time and money starting a project blindly. Instead, after you've received your Site Analysis Report and have an idea of what you want to build, verify your intuition with real statistics. This will give you and your partners peace of mind that your investment is sound. Even if you discover that the market is already filled with your original idea, you'll be best equipped to pivot and reimagine a new vision before others do. Ensure that your development company is moving in the right direction. Don't miss out on the opportunity to build something truly unique that sells and yields a great profit.