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Test Post

Maxim Andreevich

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1) Section 1 a) Headline: i) Expert Guidance in Real Estate Development b) One-Liner: (1) Without experience, real estate development could cost you instead of profiting. Approach your project with a team of experts that will optimize your project’s potential. Approach your project with a team of experts that will save you from costly mistakes. c) [Button] Contact Us Add a Video section that will be hidden for now and will go live once we have it. 2) Section 2 Text: a) How much could real estate development cost you? i) Unaware of the costly mistakes that can arise, many people venture into real estate development without the necessary experience. Here are just a few of many: (1) Overestimating the value and overbidding on a property. (2) Not knowing what you can build on a property before buying. (3) Failing to perform due diligence on the property and its financial and legal history. (4) Overlooking environmental, structural, and Geotech issues that result in major losses. (5) Overpricing the final product for the exit strategy. (6) Creating a finish design that isn’t fit for the market. (7) Engineering a building that is too expensive to build relative to what’s in demand. (8) Underestimating construction costs and time and realizing it too late in the process. (9) A lack of effective marketing and sales strategy that leads to low demand. (10)Inability to adapt to market changes resulting, ultimately resulting in financial losses. (11)Producing poor presentations and investment decks leads to expensive capital or no capital at all. (12)And a substantial amount more. 3) Section 3: a) Headline: Develop Your Project to Its Optimal Potential with Clear Experienced Guidance. i) The cost of prevention is a fraction of the costly and time-consuming mistakes you can make in real estate development. Investing in expert advice will be the best return on investment you make on your project. 4) Section 4: a) Heading: Schedule Your First 30 Minutes of Complementary Consultation at No Cost* i) [add the Calendly calendar] b) *How it works: [use same “steps 1, 2, 3 section” at Home and add description under each one - similar to the steps at] i) Step 1 – Answer several important questions about your project. ii) Step 2 – We tailor a comprehensive plan to optimize your project. iii) Step 3 – You get informed and advised to make your project a success. 5) Section 5 Guide [Same from BLDG-UP Home page] a) Heading: Leverage Our Experience & Avoid the Mistakes i) [This paragraph has empathy and authority] At BLDG-UP, we understand how much it costs you not to know enough about real estate development. We went through our growing pains. Decades ago, BLDG-UP started the business by flipping houses, and we made many costly mistakes. As we grew the company into a multi-million-dollar development firm, the errors became more expensive. Along the way, experienced developers weren’t eager to share their knowledge to help save us money. Why would they? They went through their own pain and wanted us to find out for ourselves. So, we did. ii) Over the 25 years of business, we took the hits and learned the hard way. It cost us millions to understand what we know today. That’s why lenders and partners look for a long track record. They want to see that you’re seasoned and experienced so you know what to avoid. That means learning and mastering the ins and out of real estate development and having gone through some cycles like the financial crash of 2008. Now that we have brushed off all the dust and scrapes and the bruises are all healed, we clearly understand how to develop real estate safely, and we’re passing this valuable knowledge on to people like you who want to get involved in real estate without making the same errors we did. Here are some folks that have been benefitting from BLDG-UP already: 6) Section 6 a) Testimonials 7) Section 7 a) Who Can Learn About Real Estate Development? [Same as Home Page] b) Doctors c) Lawyers d) Engineers e) Mechanics f) Programmers g) Athletes h) Architects i) Brokers & Realtors j) Financial Advisors k) Accountants l) General Contractors m) & Just About Anyone Else 8) Section 8: What Kind of Properties Can Be Developed? a) Vacate Warehouses b) Underutilized Properties c) Vacant Office Parks d) Industrial Properties e) Medical Facilities f) Underperforming Rentals g) Houses of Worship h) Financially Distressed i) Farmland j) Urban Infill k) Environmental Issues l) & Others



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